Title: Assistant PrincipalQualifications: * Kentucky Certificate with endorsements in Principalship.
Such additional qualifications as the Superintendent or Board may find appropriate and acceptable.
Reports To:Principal and SuperintendentJob Duties/ Responsibilities:1. Adheres to and upholds all standards andpolicies set for the in the policy manualof the Bath County Board of Education.2. Enables the principal to work in thecritical areas of curriculum and instruction by supporting him in administrative tasks wheneverpossible.3. Assist in the supervision of the schoolsinstruction and extra-curricular programsand activities within the school.4. Works toward the improvement of theinstructional program within the school through faculty study groups, observations and other evaluationprocesses.5. Assists the principal in insuring that thedistricts adopted curriculum is beingimplemented in the classroom.6. Coordinates student activities, securestransportation, makes supervision assignments and makes other necessaryarrangements.7. Attends professional conferences,meetings, and seminars in order to remain abreast of the most current instructional methods/techniques andpasses this knowledge on to the staff.8. Provides for the health, safety, andwelfare of students and staff withinthe school.9. Takes an active part in insuring anenvironment conducive to learning"by helping students develop selfdiscipline and proper attitudes.10. Maintains the standards ofstudents discipline set forth by district policy designed to command the respect of students and parents and to minimize schooland classroom interruptions.11. Works with school personneland outside agencies in dealingwith students with special problems12. Coordinates the use of studenttransportation services provided forthe school.13. Works with the bus drivers inmaintaining safety and proper behavioron the buses.14. Makes regular and thorough inspectionsof the school plant and properties.15. Works with custodial staff to insure aphysical environment conducive tolearning.16. Works with central office personnelwhen maintenance services are needed.17. Interprets activities and policies of theschool to the community and encourages community participationin school life.18. Supplies local media with informationregarding activities and accomplishmentof the school and its personnel.19. Assists the principal in maintaining costefficient operation of the school and useof resources.20. Coordinates the use of school facilities.21. Performs such other tasks andadministrative responsibilities as may be assigned by the principal/superintendent.Term of Service:Salary and work days to be established by Superintendent and the Board.Evaluation:Performance of the job will be evaluated yearly by Principal or Superintendent Designee.Job Title : Assistant Principal, Crossroads ElementaryPrimary Location : Crossroads ElementarySalary Range : Per YearShift Type : Full-Time