Create and maintain the monthly 24hr programming grids, planning grids, Series rollout upfront grid, and Highlights document.
Responsible for scheduling all programs, versions and break formats in Broadview on a monthly basis, publishing schedules in Gabriel, and following up with a release email to the entire DFC team as well as the TV Listings team.
Send program and episodic descriptions as well as airdates to the TV listings team for any premiering shows.
Carry out program scheduling replacements, version changes and break format changes (including the placement and creation of 40+ break formats) acting as the main liaison with Media Logistics for tracking of new programming changes, communicating delays, etc. This is also followed up by an email to the entire DFC team as well as TV Listings team.
PDS (programming database) management of program information, program descriptions and program contracts as well as add Do Not Air flags in the system when notified by Standards and Practices.
Manage half of all Media Planning tasks in iPromo & ADP including delivery of daily logs in a timely manner and communication with Commercial Operations about last-minute changes, errors, advanced logs, etc.
Receive network indicators from the MyEvents team and correct any issues in PDS regarding program TBD\'s in the premiere status. This must be done as a same day request as it will affect their reporting to Nielson and MyEvents.
Accountable for managing the content lifecycle from when the deal is entered until the media is available to screen. This includes entering license terms into HIVE/DEAL for Hasbro and all licensee partners which allows scheduling and tracking of all license periods.
Responsible for entering content deals, episodic titles and descriptions, parental ratings, screen content and borrow requests in DEAL.
Responsible for tracking and scheduling of the mandated Hasbro content to avoid budgetary penalties per Hasbro contract. Residuals are tracked internally in a Hasbro Play Counts document that requires monthly manual updates.
Create and send (to the Hasbro team) a monthly Hasbro Usage Report with tallies of all airings of a Hasbro show in the closing month.
Report "kids" designated shows and their commercial loads for the quarter being reported and listed in the Quarterly KidVid Report.
Inquire about the program deals, total budget and budget code in order to create budget requests for the Finance team in Project Systems.
Business Responsibilities
Working as liaison with the Deal team and Commercial Operations department especially when handling new deals and new developments.
Meet with Content Director to discuss important launches and suggest potential programming stunts.
Attend bi-monthly meetings with all US programmers to discuss any borrows or overlaps from sister nets.
Drafting proposals and presenting the plans for the month to the team in a timely manner (2 months in advance of the month)
Reviewing contracts for new acquisition deals and existing deals to confirm license periods, license fees, and play counts. (ex: Hasbro, WB content)
Meeting with vendors and production studios to negotiate and acquire new original content for the network.
Meeting with programming directors and VPs to discuss and ask for borrowed shows from sister networks.
Attend Kids Screen Summit and acquisition events to expand programming knowledge, study current trends, and scout for new content for the network.
Participate in networking activities especially with the newly merged Warner Bros team.
Screen and scout for new content internally and externally on a regular basis.
Manage Summer interns. This includes trainings, follow-ups, requests and approvals of software, and other onboarding essentials.